Non-Fungible Tokens in Ethereum: ERC-721
If 2018 was the year of ICOs, 2021 is the year of NFTs. In this post I explain the ERC-721 standard, that defines NFTs in Ethereum.
If 2018 was the year of ICOs, 2021 is the year of NFTs. In this post I explain the ERC-721 standard, that defines NFTs in Ethereum.
Before NFTs became popular, there was the simpler notion of Fungible Tokens. Knowing about FT and their support in Ethereum will help you understand NFTs better. In this post, I go over ERC-20 and how to use Fungible Tokens in Ethereum.
Ethereum Digital Signatures Digital Signatures Details of ECDSA Signatures ECRecover and Signature Verification in Ethereum ECDSA Malleability As seen in the previous post of this series, a signature scheme usually has a verification algorithm that computes directly over the public key and the signature to check if the latter is valid. Ethereum is different, and …
ECRecover and Signature Verification in Ethereum Read More »
Event Topics Logging and Reporting Events The EVM’s Log Opcodes Event Topics If you’ve read the previous post in this series, you may be wondering at the following question. What is the difference between each version of LOGn? The answer is indexed arguments. Strictly, the value n is the number of topics in the event, …
The EVM’s Log Opcodes Logging and Reporting Events The EVM’s Log Opcodes Event Topics The previous post of this series introduced the notion of Solidity Events, and why they are important for Ethereum Apps. It also showed how they are stored in transactions and can be accessed programmaticaly. This post shows how events are represented …
Ethereum transactions don’t return function results. The only way to know a Contract performed some action is to watch for notifications on the blockchain. This is the lifeblood of an App. This series explores events in depth, and how best to use them.
Ethereum Apps with Web3.js How Do Ethereum Smart Contracts Work? Writing Smart Contracts in Remix Setting Up Truffle to Deploy Smart Contracts Truffle Console and Truffle Tests Ethereum Apps with Web3.js Welcome to the fifth part of this series on how to get started writing smart contracts. This is the final post of this series, …
Truffle Console and Truffle Tests How Do Ethereum Smart Contracts Work? Writing Smart Contracts in Remix Setting Up Truffle to Deploy Smart Contracts Truffle Console and Truffle Tests Ethereum Apps with Web3.js Welcome to another post exploring how to begin writing smart contracts. In this overview, we’ve previously visited Remix and seen how to configure …
Setting Up Truffle to Deploy Smart Contracts How Do Ethereum Smart Contracts Work? Writing Smart Contracts in Remix Setting Up Truffle to Deploy Smart Contracts Truffle Console and Truffle Tests Ethereum Apps with Web3.js I do love websites that allow you to quickly put together some code and get the result back immediately. The key …
Writing Smart Contracts in Remix Posts in this series: How Do Ethereum Smart Contracts Work? Writing Smart Contracts in Remix Setting Up Truffle to Deploy Smart Contracts Truffle Console and Truffle Tests Ethereum Apps with Web3.js My first experience with Solidity was in Remix. At that time, I knew nothing about the language nor about …